Bo Zhao

bozhaonanjing [AT] gmail [DOT] com


​Bo Zhao is a Principal Investigator at Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI). Before, he received Ph.D. from The University of Edinburgh and M.Eng. from Peking University. He was a research intern in Snap Inc. and SenseTime. His research interests include Data-centric AI, Multimodal LLM, Embodied AI and Machine Learning. He received ICML 2022 Outstanding Paper Award. He was the only nominee of The University of Edinburgh for Informatics-Europe Best Dissertation Award 2023. He received NSFC funding on Dataset Condensation. He served as an Area Chair for NeurIPS'24 and BMVC'24.

I am working on DCAI, MLLM, and their applications, e.g., Agents & Embodied AI. Collaborations are welcome. Feel free to contact me. 



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The second-highest rated paper in ICLR 2021. Ranking.